Monday - Friday 8AM - 5PM

The Best Display

Solution Provider

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Certified Company

ISO 9001:2015

Monday - Saturday 8AM - 7PM


Date: January 28, 2013
Subject: Conflict Materials Reporting
To: All Kristel Customers

Dear Customers,

This letter is written to address Dodd-Frank act in regards to the reporting the country of origin of certain materials used in the manufacturing of Kristel’s products. A list of these materials is listed in the section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank act. These materials are common referred to as “Conflict Materials.” Kristel is a privately held company and is reporting our actions to make sure we do not use material from the Democratic Republic of Congo or the surrounding countries so that our customers are able to comply with their requirements to the law.

Kristel has reviewed all of our materials and have found that Kristel does use the types of materials that fall into the category of “Conflict Materials.”

Kristel has asked all of our suppliers to conduct an audit to assess the country of origin of their raw materials. As of the date of this letter we have received about seventy-five percent of our supply returned responses. This is our Reasonable Country of Origin Inquiry (RCOI). Kristel will continue to work with those suppliers who have not returned a response.

Kristel has reviewed the responses of the suppliers to make sure that no supplier is using material that originates in the conflict zone. Those suppliers who cannot trace their supply chain are being ask to perform due diligence and confirm that they are not using material from the conflict zone or they will be removed from the Approved Supplier List.

Kristel will continue to give this requirement Due Diligence by staying current with the follow up activity, reviewing all new suppliers and have them fill out the survey and list all products/subcomponents that use any of the conflict materials.

If you have any questions or concerns, please address them to the undersigned. I will be the individual responsible for addressing this issue.

Thank you,

​Keith Petri
President Kristel